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Wizard, uses Call Tracking to help SMEs compete digitally with global brands


Omnichannel Approach

Performance marketers combined data from online and offline sources to boost their clients sales

Prove value

Wizard included new call insights to their reports proving the impact of their work and better quantifying their contribution to clients

Wizard wizard

Digital Marketing Agency






Performance Marketing

Wizard is an award winning Performance Marketing Agency and Google Premier Partner.

Based in Athens, with 15+ years of marketing experience, Wizard focuses on building a digital competitive advantage for medium to large sized businesses.

What sets Wizard apart from other agencies is their willingness to educate clients while at the same time delivering outstanding results in both the organic and paid marketing fronts. They manage to crush their clients’ competitors by combining unique branding techniques with performance-first campaigns.

Wizard, an agency addicted to optimization, has been tracking phone call conversions via Nimbata for 5+ years.

5-star services deserve 5-star reviews

A company’s customers are its best salespeople. Wizard’s growth is strongly related to the high level of satisfaction they bring to clients. 

Boasting a solid rating of 4.9/5 on, they manage to instantly establish credibility with new businesses. 

By including phone attribution in their reporting and in client reviews, Wizard can effectively show where each lead came from. Clients like to be in control of the budget spent, so Wizard makes sure to track & report every single online and offline lead they generate.

Aside from basic reporting, attributing calls to marketing helps Wizard quickly identify and inform clients of new growth opportunities. Which leads us to the next point.

Analytics show how to beat competitors

Thanks to the nature of digital advertising, marketing analytics are more accurate than ever. Like modern gladiators, marketers often times capitalizes on the mistakes of competitors to gain an edge.

Wizard relies on speed and data to spot campaigns that can outperform competitors. If an opposing company has optimized campaigns on clicks, Wizard aims to optimize campaigns on every available data point, including phone calls.

Some consumers prefer to buy online, others to call and others to walk in a physical store. 

By offering all three options, Wizard grabs the opportunity to attract customers from competitors that do not offer all three options.

The best campaigns are designed by micro-testing and optimization

No campaign is created perfect.

Once Wizard launches a batch of new ads, the goal in the first few days is to identify what works, what doesn’t and figure out how consumers are responding to CTAs.

This is just one more place where tracking phone calls come into play. Nimbata enables Wizard to track calls like clicks, better helping Wizard answer key questions such as:

  1. What keywords callers are searching for
  2. Which channels bring phone calls
  3. What copy makes people call
  4. Which service/product attracts callers
  5. What are people saying on the phone

Nimbata + Wizard Results

Wizard shopping cart 1

Boost Clients' Offline Sales

Customers call a business when they are ready to buy. Wizard, took advantage of this and tried to enhance the customer experience and improve their marketing campaigns based on the call data that Nimbata was able to collect. As a result, their clients are getting more and more phone leads, not only improving call handling but also increasing conversion rates.

Wizard trophy

Beat Competition

Call Tracking helped Wizard discover unattributed conversions, allowing their clients to place ahead of competitors who did not optimize for calls. Combining data from offline and online channels has had an enormous impact on how and in which campaigns Wizard invests in and prioritizes - making smarter decisions than their competition.

Wizard heart 1

Prove value

Phone calls are often overlooked by Marketers and aren't included in their reports like with clicks. As a result, many companies, although they may have a good chunk of their revenues generated from over the phone, there is no actual data to confirm this. But Wizard is able to report and showcase the true value of their services by using Nimbata's Call Tracking service.

Ready to take nimbata for a spin?

Best prospects call when ready to buy. Capture them!