Lead Values

Prioritize phone leads that actually generate $$

Pin a sale value to your converted leads to help you calculate the exact ROI of your marketing efforts and the true impact of your campaigns.


Track phone calls sales as conversions

Append a value to call conversions

lead values - lead scoring process

But, what if we told you that you can do
all that automatically?

Save time spent on manually adding monetary values to your phone leads. Customize Νimbata to get your work done
more quickly – without manual work.

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Automatically assign a value when a phone lead meets certain criteria

Create as simple or as complicated rules you want in order to classify your phone leads your way.

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Mark or tag phone leads that exceed a certain value

Automation rules leave out manual effort while saving you time. This creates room for more detailed segmentation enhancing the lead classification process.

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Send phone leads with values as conversions to Google and Microsoft Ads

Combine automation rules with integration triggers to take control of your lead data quality by sending only the phone calls which have a specific property to your Google Ads, HubSpot, Google Analytics or even Slack.

Lead Values FAQ

Power true attribution with
Call Tracking

Leave stress out of set up process – attribute phone calls in a matter of seconds

Wait, there is more!
Explore more about nimbata

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Product Demo

Save time spent on researching and educating yourself. with one of our Call Tracking Experts who will walk you through the platform and help you attribute your valuable phone calls back to your PPC & SEO efforts.