Google Call Only Ads: 4 Useful Tips to Consider

Call Only Ads cover

Introduction to Google Call Only Ads

When it comes to reaching your revenue goals through Google Ads, it is no longer news that Google Call Only Ads are your best option. If you’ve not started using this ad strategy, now is the time to include it in your campaigns, especially if your business relies on phone calls to generate conversions. These ad types allow you to create highly targeted ads and give them a quick way to engage with your business. In this guide, we share 4 tips for setting up Google Call Only Ads.

Tip #1: Set up call-conversion tracking

The first step is to setup your campaign for phone call conversion tracking. This is easy to setup. Just go to your Google ads account, on the top bar, click on ‘Tools and Settings’. Then click on ‘Conversions on the top bar menu. Click the blue plus-sign (+) to create a new conversion action. Click on the ‘phone calls’ option. Click on the ‘call-only’ ads option and choose a call length that would reflect a conversion for your business. Finally, click on the ‘Yes’ option so phone calls can be included in Conversions when running AdWords campaign. Then click on Create your campaign and Continue while choosing Leads as your goal.

Tip #2: Target call-focused Keywords

Did you know that over 43% of search-related conversions happen over the phone ? Hence the need to target keywords that will likely generate conversions. Conduct a competition analysis and take a look at top ranking keywords. Then run ads to compete with those keywords. You don’t have to run ads on the most competitive keywords. Include the keywords that your competitors use in your headlines. Also, create high-converting ad copy that really sells.

Google Call Only Ads example

Tip #3: Review call data using a call tracking app

Optimize your campaigns for those that are converting and stop non-performing ads. The best way to take the guesswork out of your Google Ads is to integrate your Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts with a call tracking software like Nimbata.

With Nimbata you can view calls as conversions in Google Analytics! Viewing your inbound call tracking activity in Google Analytics allows you to monitor which channels, campaigns or even keywords are driving the most calls to your business. Each call is sent as an event, including the GCLID which provides insights on campaign, ad group, keyword, landing pages, affinity groups, etc.

Google Analytics 4 call tracking

Nimbata’s integration with Google Ads allows you to monitor the effectiveness of all your pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns that bring valuable phone leads and sales to your business. Utilizing Dynamic Number Insertion Technology, Nimbata offers keyword-level tracking attributing call conversions to specific keywords, campaigns, and ad groups, so that you know exactly your best-performing assets and optimize for more.

Tip #4: Create Retargeting Campaigns for Unconverted Calls

Prospects are 70% more likely to convert through retargeting ads.  So you would be losing a lot of prospects if you don’t create retargeting ads for your Google call only ads campaigns. You can create retargeting campaigns based on keywords that are driving the most calls. Another way to create retargeting ads is also by the demographics or interests that are driving the most calls.


Google Call Only ads give you opportunities to target your business or services based on your mobile customers. You’re not only able to create more targeted ads but also let prospects reach you directly, by allowing them to call you with a click of a button. So what are you waiting for? Now you know what to consider before setting up those ads? Need more inspiration? Check out our blog post on how to create high converting Call Only ads.

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