Show Your Partners How Many Leads You Actually Generate.

For brands running listings, directory and marketplace services, showing customers how many phone leads were generated is fundamental in accurately proving the return on their investment. Nimbata provides listings, directories and marketplaces with powerful attribution tools for capturing online to offline activity so that they can foster and grow the relationship with their clients. 

Get an edge and show more value than ever before.

Prove ROI to your partners

By demonstrating to your listings, directories and marketplaces the true ROI you generate for them, you gain a significant advantage against competitors strengthening your position in the market. Face your prospects with more confidence for the services you offer and convert more of them, increasing your premium subscriptions.

Whether you are getting paid per subscription, call or per lead, Nimbata Call Tracking and Analytics helps you prove the real, indisputable value of your efforts, by demonstrating to your customers the actual number of phone leads you generate for their businesses. Keep your customers satisfied and establish long-lasting relationships for your business.

Bridge the online and offline journeys users follow until they reach your web properties seeking for your listed customers, and understand the different paths they follow throughout the sales funnel, until the moment they pick up the phone to call. Tap into all those touch-points and increase phone leads for your customers, and profits for your business.

How it Works.

Set up your account in a few minutes and prove to clients the call traffic you generate towards their businesses.

Call Tracking for Listings
Call Tracking for Listings Add tracking numbers 1Add local or toll-free numbers in seconds.
Call Tracking for Listings Set up Call Forwarding 1Setup where to forward your calls and whether to record them or not.
Call Tracking for Listings Place Tracking Script 1Place tracking script on your site or numbers on the ads or campaigns you wish to track.
Call Tracking for Listings View Reports 1Gain real-time insights and understand which campaigns are driving calls!

Better Attribution.

Track all the inbound calls your business generates for your clients and attribute them to specific marketing sources. Get an accurate view of the channels, ads, and keywords that contribute the most making your clients’ phones ring, and focus your efforts and budget on them to achieve better results.


Powerful Add-ons to improve your customer’s experience.

Tap into our call add-ons to prepare agents, route calls to the proper representatives, monitor conversations in order to provide an enhanced customer experience, and never leave any phone leads unattended.

Local or Toll Free Numbers.

Whether you run marketing campaigns at a local or a global scale, you can take full advantage of Nimbata’s extensive coverage to measure, analyze, and optimize your call performance, no matter where you are located.

Nimbata instantly provides you with local or toll-free phone numbers. You simply assign them to the marketing sources you wish to track leads from.

Acquisition Reports

Advanced Call Analytics.

Get real-time access to a variety of detailed acquisition and behavioral reports to get a holistic view of your audience and its sales journey so that you can build more targeted campaigns and convert more customers for your automotive business.

Ready to take Nimbata for a spin?

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