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Lighthouse, includes phone calls in its Strategy to dive deeper into customers insights


Better Understanding of Customer Journeys

Performance marketers optimized their efforts using data on the customer journeys that drove the most quality leads

Marketing and Sales Team Alignment

Nimbata's insights helped both teams to work in synergy and to focus on a common goal of driving more sales

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Digital Marketing Agency







Lighthouse started as an e-commerce agency back in 2000, only to become an 80-employee digital transformation powerhouse that supports more than 350 companies with their marketing and digital needs. While searching for ways to further improve services, Nimbata’s Call Tracking seemed like a perfect match. 

By combining offline phone conversions with online forms and clicks, Lighthouse’s performance team is able to create unstoppable ad campaigns. While the digital transformation team manages to develop websites that are optimized for both online conversions and offline phone calls.

Winning 23 awards in a single year

As a top-tier agency, Lighthouse’s goal is to grow along with their clients. To accomplish that, team members need access to both adequate training and advanced marketing tools.

Speaking of which, most of the marketing managers at Lighthouse are certified Google Digital Champions. The agency’s work has managed to win 23 awards in the span of a few months.

On the tool aspect, every team member has access to 10+ high-end marketing and development tools. 

Nimbata is part of Lighthouse’s toolkit, helping UX, Conversion Optimization, and Performance Marketing teams track the exact number of phone calls they generate from paid campaigns, organic social or website optimization efforts.

Marketing attribution translates to top-notch services

Lighthouse invests a lot of time & budget in mapping the customer journey of their clients as accurately as possible. This is how they manage to get a bird’s-eye view of what works and what doesn’t.

Their experts are using a variety of tools to achieve that. Mapping a consumer’s journey means understanding:

  1. What problem are consumers looking to solve
  2. Where are they searching for a solution
  3. How do they prefer to get in touch with the business


With Nimbata in play, Lighthouse is able to figure out at what part of the customer journey phone calls are leading to sales & revenue.

Phone calls: A metric that heavily impacts revenue

In the end, revenue is the metric every business depends on. 

Consumers that call a business usually have already made up their mind and are ready to buy. This is why phone calls convert to sales x8 faster than interest forms.

By focusing on metrics that are directly tied to revenue, Lighthouse’s results are measured on confirmed sales and not only clicks or other engagement metrics.

Nimbata + Lighthouse Results

Lighthouse balance

Marketing & Sales Alignment

Lighthouse was able to narrow the gap between Marketing and Sales team by including nimbata's call insights. With nimbata, both teams are simultaneously aligned. Sales Team know the marketing source caller, leading to better sales handling. And, Marketing Teams utilize the sales insights from phone calls to tag qualified leads and find more of them.

Lighthouse journey

Customer Journey Mapping

Mapping the complete Customer Journey is a priority for Lighthouse and its clients. With nimbata, Lighthouse connected the dots between the offline and the online channels by creating phone conversions and monitoring customers before, during, and after their phone call. The ability to gain a holistic view of the paths followed by quality leads with a higher propensity to convert, had a great impact in building and expanding their marketing strategy.

Lighthouse dollar

Better Allocation of Marketing Budget

By bringing together all types of conversions, Lighthouse has succeeded in identifying campaigns that are less effective and also those that are more attractive which grow customers faster and more sustainably. Lighthouse created a customized report to visualize phone calls along with clicks, to obtain a clearer view of the CPA, CPC or CPL for each campaign and invest accordingly.

Ready to take nimbata for a spin?

Best prospects call when ready to buy. Capture them!