All the call tracking reports you need to increase phone sales

Nimbata Call Tracking Dashboard

Discover all those ample call tracking reports Nimbata offers to make the most of your inbound calls.

Call tracking reports empower businesses and marketers to evaluate performance in real-time and quickly adapt their marketing to increase phone sales in less time. Depending on what you’re looking to monitor, Nimbata provides various reports – each conveying different but meaningful insights:

Reports on Source, Calls & Callers

Source-Based – Similar to how GA documents views or clicks, Nimbata reports highlight how many calls are resulting from organic search, PPC campaigns, social media, etc. These come in handy when trying to understand what drives calls to your business at the aggregate level.

Caller – These reports are useful in understanding who is calling you. They allow you to gain visibility on how many new (vs. repeat) callers reach your business every day, on their geography, caller-id prefix, and more.

Calls – Understanding the dynamics of your call center or agents is also important. Such reports can help you examine agent performance with respect to who hung-up first, call duration, the best day of the week, and optimal times of the day.

Let’s take a deep dive into these types of Nimbata call tracking metrics and reports.

Customized Call Analytics Dashboard

This is the place to be for every marketer and business owner that monitors the call performance for each and every campaign they run. Here you can find gathered all the necessary call tracking metrics you need to assess in order to make informed decisions for your next marketing steps. Since business objectives differ from account to account, you can easily create your own call analytics dashboard tailored to your preferences so as to instantly focus on insights that matter the most for your business or clients. 

More specifically you can:

  1. Add and remove tables picking data which are grouped based on the following categories:
  • Brand (Monthly Trend, Missed Callers by the hour)
  • Source (Calls, Call Distribution, Average Call Duration, New vs. Repeat Callers, Daily Trend, Weekly Trend, Monthly Trend, Missed Callers, Who Hung Up, Missed Callers by the hour)
  • Tracking Number (Calls, Call Distribution, Average Call Duration, New vs. Repeat Callers, Daily Trend, Weekly Trend, Monthly Trend, Missed Callers, Who Hung Up, Missed Callers by the hour)
  • Aggregates (Duration Breakdown, New vs. Repeat Callers)
  • Destinations (Daily Trend, Call Distribution, Average Call Duration)  
  1. Prioritize what to see first dragging and dropping tables
  2. Isolate specific call tracking metrics
  3. Stretch and downsize tables  
Nimbata Customized Dashboard
Customized Dashboard

Acquisition Reports

Acquisition is the first and foremost concern for every owner and marketer. With Acquisition reports you can compare in real-time the calls between different marketing sources, and understand which campaigns are worth investing in and those burning your marketing budget.

View in no time the number of Total Calls, the Call Distribution, the Average Call Duration, and the number of New vs. Repeat Callers to get an accurate image of how your campaigns perform.

Acquisition Report

You decide which parameters to apply in order to view your call tracking metrics. You can view calls per Brand, Tracking Number, Channel, Campaign, or even Source/ Medium! 

Nimbata Call Data with UTM parameters
Call Data with UTM parameters

You can imagine how valuable such insights are for every marketing strategy. Understand in real-time which assets perform well and which not, and optimize your campaigns to bring more valuable phone leads to your business. Cut a long story short, no more guesswork, no more wasted budget in activities that don’t convert. Only better leads and sales with lower acquisition costs. This is what you get with Nimbata!


Trends in marketing are important to monitor as they reveal insights into consumers’ behavior and how that shifts over time. Nimbata analyzes your inbound calls and depicts how customers react. Such insights serve as a good indicator to plan your steps ahead. 

Select among Brand, Tracking Number, Channel, Source/ Medium, Source, Medium or Campaign, apply the dates and here you are!

Trends Report

Frequency Reports

Frequency reveals call behavior patterns regarding the preferred dates and times users tend to call your business. Frequency is another of those call tracking metrics that offer significant insights operations-wise. It helps businesses assess whether human resources are adequate to handle the call volume or whether extra support is needed. Nimbata provides statistics about the answered, unanswered, and canceled calls along with those on hold due to busy phone lines.

Frequency Reports

Compare Periods

Compare Periods is one of the most important call tracking metrics to showcase the progress that has been made towards specific business objectives. With years of experience in marketing analytics, we know first hand how crucial such data is for every business and Nimbata can provide it in no time. You only have to choose whether to display data per Tracking Number, Channel, Source/Medium, Source, Medium, or Campaign, apply specific dates or a date range you want to look into, and boom! You have in seconds the comparisons you need. 

Nimbata Compare Periods Report
Compare Periods Report

Lost Opportunities

In an interconnected and competitive world, one great differentiator among businesses is their ability (or not) to provide unique customer experiences to stay on top of their customers’ minds. So, it goes without saying that customer service should be a priority for every business. In the Missed Callers report, Nimbata presents a list of missed calls along with basic details (caller, date, last source, number of attempts), which serves as a second opportunity for the business to bring the customers back, become they turn to the competitor.  

All the call tracking reports you need to increase phone sales Screenshot 2022 03 09 at 4.31.16 PM
Missed Callers Report

Geography Reports

Knowing where your phone leads are coming from is a significant piece of information you need to take into account while planning your marketing strategy ahead. Nimbata displays a global map with the inbound calls per country at a first level, providing also the option to drill down into region details for even more specific insights. This way, you’ll avoid wasting your budget running campaigns in locations with little or no interest in your offerings.

All the call tracking reports you need to increase phone sales Geography Reports
Geography Reports

Caller Journeys

Bridging the gap between online and offline sales journeys is a crucial factor to provide an exceptional buying experience for the user, and one of the greatest challenges for the everyday marketer. Nimbata brings Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) technology into the play to provide in just a few clicks an analysis of the paths customers take until they end picking up the phone.

Caller Journeys
Caller Journeys Report

Call Log

In the Call Log section, you can find all your call data stored and fully detailed! Simply select the dates you want to look into, and on the spot, a complete list of all your answered and missed calls will appear, along with captured info around each inbound call. Select from an extensive list those items that have a priority for your reporting and want them displayed in your Call Log.

Such info is Date, Time, Caller, Call Duration, Outcome, Status, Who hung up, Tracking Number, Destination Number, Source Type, Times Called, Lead Status, Rating, Value, Source, Medium, Campaign, Call ID, Country, State, City, Digits Pressed, Recorded, Whispers and Notes. 

Once you customize your Call Log, decide how to handle those data. You can copy, export them in Excel or CSV format, but also send them directly to your Google Sheets in real-time

Nimbata Call Log Reports
Call Log

Advanced Filters

Your call data is everything, but it’s also important to access them instantly. An easy application of the Nimbata filters will bring you in front of all those data that matter the most for your business and should be monitored thoroughly.

In case you handle a multi-client account, you can select your brands here and monitor their performance in one place instead of logging in each account separately. Get customer insights instantly and speed up your decision-making process!

Nimbata Advanced Filters
Advanced Filters

Session-Based Reports

Session-Based – Taking source-level data a bit deeper, these reports begin to investigate specific activities leading to calls. Session-based activities can include specific keywords, campaigns, creatives, device types, or even landing pages. They are a great tool for optimizing marketing spend.

Nimbata integrates with many of the leading industry apps so that you can automate the delivery of your call data to the tools you use every day for one-stop reporting. In other words, you can view calls as goals in Google Analytics, send call conversions to your Google Ads account or Facebook ads account, and push all customer-related data to your CRM.

View Calls as Goals in Google Analytics
View Calls as Goals in Google Analytics

To sum up

Your call tracking reports will give you an overall, accurate view of your campaigns along with a lot of actionable insights to optimize your digital marketing strategy.

With monthly plans starting from only $15 and a pay per answered call model, is there any reason struggling to achieve better results, when Nimbata can show you the right path to rapid growth? 

Not really. So waste your time (and budget) no more! Our call tracking software will be your trusted partner to increase your phone sales and improve profitability.
