Be in the bubble your clients live in


Yesterday, Dimitris and I had our daily slack morning chat before jumping into our priorities.

“Dimitri, did you see the GME stock (🚀 to the moon) last night?” I asked. 

“About the what??” he replied. 

“How can he not know?” I thought. “It’s all over the internet.”

And then it hit me. Was this news really everywhere, or just siloed to my own personal space?

Sudden Realization – Do we all just live in our own little bubble?

We choose to surround ourselves with things we care about.

Social Media has enabled us to personalise news feeds with the things that matter to us the most. 

This causes an “echo chamber” effect. Nowadays we’re bombarded with information tailored to our preferences across all channels. Emails, Facebook Groups, LinkedIn network, Reddit. 

You name it.

This “echo chamber” creates the following illusion: I see it everywhere, this must be HUGE.

And this is how omnichannel communication works. You don’t have to create a global brand with unlimited budget to be successful.

All you have to do is surround your clients and ping them strategically with:

  1. Social posts about new partnerships/awards
  2. Email notifications for every new lead/sale you generate
  3. Monthly meetings showcasing your results

Bonus tip: Find someone they trust, to recommend your services.

Call it ABM, Social Selling or however you want. 

Do your clients feel like you’re omnipresent?